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Professional. Durable. Precise.

DomeLabels for the Medical Industry

The First Choice

TUFFLabels are the premier labels for medical equipment thanks to their ability to withstand daily sterilization and exposure to continual handing, moisture, heat, etc.
Permanent DomeLabels' polyurethane 3-D glossy appearance and soft, tactile surface makes them idea for all medical applications from DME to surgical equipment.
  • Photographic equipment and cases
  • Communications equipment
  • Medical appliances
  • Audio-visual equipment
  • Much more...
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DomeLabels for Medical Equipment


TUFFLabels and DomeLabels are custom fabricated to meet the most demanding specifications.
Color, shapes, and dimensions are infinitely variable to fit virtually all needs for medical labeling.
Need labels produced in a short run for testing? No problem! Our expert team can help you with quick turn-round and affordable pricing.
Give us a call at (855) 855-TUFF to discuss your medical label requirements.
DomeLabels for Medical Equipment

Custom and Professional

TUFFLabels and DomeLabels an ideal way to add value to your medical products.
We treat every project as a unique opportunity to deliver a label that reinforces an professional, quality image.
The Prynt Group team can help you with your existing label design, or work with you to create what you need. We are widely recognized for our prompt service, premium quality, and excellent service.
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world-class service

World-Class Label Printing SOlutions

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